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You may also contact us by submitting the following form (all fields are required): - Seeking a job or new career in the China wine or restaurant industry? Looking to hire wine or restaurant jobs in China? offers employment opportunities in the wine and restaurant industry in China.
Wine industry jobs in China include such jobs as chef, sommelier, wine sales rep, wine importer, and much, much more. Search for jobs throughout China’s bustling wine and restaurant industry.
Job Seekers – Looking for an exciting new career within an expanding industry? If you are considering a career in the wine industry, then Wine Jobs China is your source for the latest employment opportunities in the wine and restaurant industry. Sign up for our job alerts and receive the latest wine industry job updates – for FREE!
Wine Industry Employers - Target people looking for careers in the wine industry by posting and ad. Find information on wine career options in China on Wine Jobs China helps connect employers with people looking for jobs in the wine and restaurant industry.